Record Collection Equality in C# Software Programming .NET I’ve seen this come up a few times at work, so I figured I’d dig in a bit and expound on how equality does and does not work with C# 9 record types and collections.
Yes, Dark Mode Reduces Eyestrain Software Programming Like so many other debates on the internet, we seem to be doomed to forever relitigate the question of whether “Dark Mode” color schemes are actually easier on the eyes than their “Light Mode” counterparts.
Hosting Wildcard Subdomains from Home for Free Software Programming Despite an overflowing number of options for hosting your own blog or website these days, I still feel like the best bang for your buck is GitHub Pages (if you’re a developer, that is). It’s free and does SSL and you can set it up to work with a custom doamin name, something that’s a “premiere” option requiring paid service at most other blogging/website platforms.